Posted by: Through the Eyes of Women | September 16, 2013

9-16-2013 Host Kathleen Marshall Speaks With Physician’s Assistant and Women’s Health Specialist Tara Moss in Part 2 of Hormonal Contraception

According to many feminists the advent of hormonal contraception helped give rise to reproductive and sexual freedom, essential to every woman’s quest for parity, self-fulfillment and actualization.  While there are detractors of that assertion, such as last week’s guest, Holly Grigg-Spall, Physician’s Assistant and Women’s Health Specialist Tara Moss, believes that hormonal contraception has been, and continues to be, central to female empowerment and the feminist movement.

tmossTara Moss has been a Physician’s Assistant for 20 years.  As a very young, single parent she was inspired to focus on women’s reproductive health based on her own difficult circumstances.  She finished her education while parenting full time and working to support her son.  She is currently the Medical Director for Humboldt Community Health Center’s Open Door Teen Clinic, serving teens in both Del Norte and Humboldt counties in five different locations.


teen clinic

Kathleen and Tara discuss common forms of birth control, focusing on hormonal contraception.  Tara brings her perspective as a medical professional into the dialogue.  Contraception, she says, is a highly personal choice, and the most important factor in choosing the best type for any given woman is to educate herself.  She understands that, while hormonal contraception has risks, the incidence of negative side effects and risks is low enough that informed women can feel safe using them.


To listen to Kathleen’s conversation with Tara Moss click the following link:    


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